12 Days Of Magic (Spellbound) ***Book Blitz, Teaser and Giveaway!!***

Spellbound Trilogy by Nikki Jefford

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Book 1 Entangled Released: February 20th 2012
Two months after dying, seventeen-year-old witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister Charlene’s body.

Until Gray finds a way back inside her own body, she’s stuck being Charlene every twenty-hour hours. Her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave. Looking like a prep isn’t half as bad as hanging out with Charlene’s snotty friends and gropey boyfriend.

The “normals” of McKinley High might be quick to write her behavior off as post-traumatic stress, but warlock Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead.

Now Gray has to solve the mystery of her death and resurrection and disentangle herself from Charlene’s body before she disappears for good.

Book 2 Dulplicity Released: March 20th 2012
If Graylee Perez thought sharing a body with her twin sister was bad, dealing with a duplicate of herself is two times worse. Gray the second doesn’t seem to get that Lee’s boyfriend, Raj McKenna, is off limits. Then there’s the problem of Adrian Montez. He expects one of the Grays to be his.

Nearly a year later, the council is onto them for past misdeeds; Lee, along with the rest of the coven, has lost control of her powers; and Gray is being stalked by what looks like the Grim Reaper.

If they work together, they may stand a chance of setting things right and making it out alive.

Book 3 Enchantment Expected Release: April 2013
In the third and final installment of the Spellbound series, Graylee Perez (the duplicate), goes to Spain for a summer of escape. There she meets new friends and comes face to face with her old adversary, Adrian Montez.

When Gray tries to setup a spell that will banish Adrian from her life, she inadvertently falls under a love spell instead.

Charlene returns, having hijacked a new body, for one final battle between the twins.

Enchantment Teaser!!

IN THIS SCENE: Gray goes to Barcelona for a summer of escape only to run into her old adversary, Adrian Montez, when her friends surprise her by taking her to a magic performance at the theater. Things go from bad to worse when she is called on stage to volunteer as part of Adrian’s act.

“Here she comes,” Adrian said as Gray slowly made her way up the stairs on the side of the stage.

Gray was shaken, not just to see him, but that someone from her past stood not eight feet away in a country so spectacular yet unbearably lonely at times and here was a personal connection to her former life – albeit an unwelcome one.

Adrian betrayed no signs of familiarity. “What is your name?”

Gray glared at Adrian as though they were the only two people in the auditorium. His expression remained annoyingly neutral. From below, Hannah and Marco yelled, “Gray!”

Adrian smirked. He turned to his audience. “I don’t know. She doesn’t look gray to me.”

The audience laughed. Worst of all, she heard Hannah giggling before the translator even finished.

“Now then, Miss Gray, if you will step this way.”

Gray wasn’t about to step anywhere near the table with its giant saw. Adrian noticed her hesitation and said, “Don’t be afraid, my dear. I’ve done this a thousand times… and only lost one volunteer.”

The audience laughed.

Adrian reached his gloved hand out. Gray looked from the white palm of his hand to his gleaming eyes and took a step back.

“It appears the young lady is frightened.”

“Don’t be scared, Gray!” Marco yelled.

“There is nothing to fear,” Adrian called out, sweeping an arm toward the table.

“Go on, Gray!” Hannah hollered.

Could Gray come up with a plan in the ten steps it took to reach the table? Apparently not. She refused Adrian’s hand and approached the box warily.

There was no teleporting herself out of this one. Señora Contreras would never allow Gray back to the sanctuary and Gray wasn’t about to let Adrian ruin her summer in Spain. There was also the audience to consider, blissfully unaware that they were in the midst of real magic.

Once Adrian’s back turned to the audience he looked Gray over with an intimacy that bordered on inappropriate. At that moment, Gray felt as though she would have been better off facing him in a dark alley then in front of a mob screaming for her blood.

And if she let Adrian put her in the box, it most likely would be her blood.

The last time she had seen him, she had taken his blood, and now he had her right where he wanted her.

Adrian’s lips curved up. The fitted suit made him appear older and more menacing than Gray remembered. Gone was the voice of the performer. Adrian lowered his voice. “Go on Gray, get in.”

That’s it, she was out of there. They could all think of her as a coward. Better a coward than a fool. But as she backed up, Adrian caught her by the arm and hauled Gray to the step ladder. “Don’t ruin my show,” he hissed inside her ear.

If you've read all the way through this post, you will be rewarded (sorta) Check out the awesome Spellbound Giveaway below which ends December 27th:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Book Blitz was hosted by:
Xpresso Book Tours~Xpresso Reads~Xpresso Design~@Giselleco


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