Book To Movie Monday (16)

For this weeks Book To Movie Monday I have decided to cover the movie Queen Of The Damned.
First Let's Discuss The Book Below Is The Cover
Now for a little back story in case some of you aren't familiar with the novel. The Queen of the Damned is written by the Author Anne Rice and was released in October of 1988 by Knopf books. The Queen of the Damned is the third book in The Vampire Chronicles series. The Queen of the Damned follows three parallel storylines that weave together to form a rich History of Anne Rice's Vampire lore.
Let's look at some of the characters in the book.
Main Protagonists
The Vampire Lestat (Lestat de Lioncourt)- Lestat is a charismatic and bold individual who has become a superstar rocker. He is known for being very handsome with long blond hair and piercing gray eyes.
Akasha- Queen of all Vampires. While physically beautiful at her core Akasha is a very dark character with no morals, compassion or ethics. She is awakened from her slumber by Lestats rock music.
Maharet and Mekare- Twin sisters and powerful witches who could communicate with the spirits. They are describe as having red hair and green eyes.
Major Differences Between The Book and The Movie
In the Book Lestat has long, curly blond hair and grey blue eyes.
In the Movie he has dark hair and brown eyes.
In the Book Magnus made Lestat into a vampire.
In the Movie Marius is Lestat's creator.
In the Book Akasha is 6000 years old.
In the Movie she is said to be 4000.
In the Book Lous is Lestats love interest.
In the Movie this was changed to the female character Jesse.
In the Book the vampires are quite neat eaters.
In the Movie they always have blood rings around their mouths.
In the Book Daniel is around 65 years old.
In the Movie he's shown as being early 40's.
In the Book Louis is portrayed quite a bit.
In the Movie he is written out entirely.
Speaking of written out characters....
Gabrielle, Eric, Santino, Mekare, and Baby Jenks aren't in the movie at all.
In the Book we learn all about the history of Marahet and Mekare.
In the Movie only Marahet is shown.
Spoiler Differences.......
In the Book Mekare kills Akasha.
In the Movie Marahet kills her.
In the Book after Akasha dies she turns to glass.
In the Movie Akasha turns to stone.
In the Book Akasha is described as having very pale skin.
In the Movie she is played by the late actress Aaliyah.
The Clear winner in this weeks Book to Movie Monday is the Book. I love how all stories weave together in the book and I feel that isn't really noticeable in the movie. I do really like Aaliyah as Akasha and think she acted the role quite brilliantly, even if she isn't book accurate. Overall while I do prefer the book the movie still stands as a great little vampire movie and is worth watching.
Well that about wraps up this weeks Book to Movie Monday. I'll post the movie trailer down below in case you want to check it out. Leave a Comment down below telling me which you liked better and why. Have a recommend for an upcoming Book to Movie let me know that as well.
Looks interesting, and I think usually the book would win too! Please check out my blog (I'm a new book blogger so please don't mind my amateur skills haha)